Improve the impact and accountability of your marketing

Strategically plan and optimise your campaigns across all channels, leveraging data-driven insights

Trusted by leading brands

Gain the competitive edge

Steigere die Marketing-Wirkung

Utilise the tools and dashboards within Objective Platform to transform insights into actionable strategies, facilitating analysis, planning, and optimisation.

Strengthen alignment among teams

Align your teams around shared targets and KPIs. Build trust in measurement outcomes to fully integrate a data-driven approach within your team's workflow.

Measure the value of investments

Gain a clear understanding of your media's impact on your business with the most objective view of your media performance.

Deliver impactful results

Senkung der Marketingausgaben bei gleichen Ergebnissen
potenzielle Steigerung der Kampagneneffektivität
+5 Mrd.
Marketingausgaben analysiert

All in one platform

Eine Plattform für alle deine Daten. Messe, plane und optimiere deine Marketing-Investitionen.


Our dashboards are designed to take ​
the headache out of data management.​


Our models are battle-tested and ever-evolving based on Bayesian statistics.​


Our Brand Intel and Universal Insight dashboards make campaign planning easy.​

"The fact that Objective Platform is helping us in acquiring high-quality customers ensures that we have adopted a faster and smarter approach"


"With O/P we can look at our performance across the funnel and different touchpoints. It enables us to optimize our strategy and media spend"


"Within the first day, we were already able to see insights we had never been able to see before. Our retention is about 25% better”


"Objective Platform covers the complete media mix: online and offline, but also external factors and the possibility to implement pricing dynamics"

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