Find out what your media is doing for your business

Get the most out of your marketing analytics with next-gen Marketing Measurement

Alle Marketer müssen Entscheidungen treffen. Und so klappt es! 

Evaluiere deine Kanäle und Kampagnen, um Performance-Treiber und Ausreißer zu identifizieren 
Greife auf deine Daten zu, verwalte und kontrolliere diese mit den integrierten Datenmanagement-Tools 
Validiere Parameter und die Genauigkeit deines Marketing-Attributionsmodells

Die objektivste Darstellung deiner Media-Performance

Your full media activity at one glance

See conversions attributed to marketing, compare them to baseline conversions, and review Cost per Order and channel investments.

Take a deep-dive into your channels

Identify performance drivers and outliers. Evaluate investments, conversions, and compare across channels and periods.

Analyse your campaigns

Understand how they contribute to your business goals and compare their performance. From campaign efficiency to product breakdown, this dashboard provides all the insights you need.

Consider non-media factors

Geschäftsergebnisse hängen nicht nur von der Mediaplanung ab, sondern auch von anderen Faktoren wie Ereignissen und Vorkenntnissen. Berücksichtige diese, um dir einen Wettbewerbsvorteil zu verschaffen.

Denise Noordermeer
Head of Media T-Mobile Netherlands

"We have a long-term partnership with Objective Platform with a great contribution to our business KPIs for all our brands and robust analysis on attribution.With this data-driven solution, we can practice more effective and efficient omnichannel marketing."

Mit Universal Insights hast du Zugang zu den folgenden Tools und Dashboards 

Ein benutzerfreundliches Marketing-Tool, das dir alles bietet, um dein Marketing noch besser zu gestalten.
Model Validation
Keep your marketing measurement current to ensure your attribution models consistently generate accurate insights.
Media Effectiveness
Everything you need to stay on top of your marketing activities. Get a quick overview of your media effectiveness at a glance.
Campaign Attribution
The tool to investigate the efficiency of your campaigns, and their attribution to your business goals.
Channels Attribution
Detailed channel breakdown for in-depth analysis of your channel mix. Understand the impact of both online and offline channels on your business.
Campaign Comparison
Understand how your campaigns interact, from products and timings to channel selection and budget allocation.
Business Dynamics
Monetise on understanding how non-media factors influence your marketing performance. Stay one step ahead of your competitors.

Starte deine Reise hin zum datengestützten Marketing

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